Thursday, 8 March 2012

Weigh In! & Zumba

Well I think I am still on a high after my WI today I lost a whopping
4 and a 1/2 pounds

I was in shock could not believe it! seems my hard work showed up this week
Happy Days 
for Weight Watchers 
I got my 10% and  I am 1/2 a pound away from my 3rd sliver 7

So I have updated my ticker from my starting  weight I was, when I came home from the hospital to present day and I have lost 24 pounds over all 

I updated my goal but might change that to a smaller one and move it forward when Ì get there I have come a long way but have a long way to go but I am ready! 


I started my first class in Zumba  ( Zumba Carlow you can find them on Facebook) on Wednesday night and I am hooked loved it, had such good fun and I was sorry when we finished. I would highly recommended it and a great way to get out of the house and meet people and for me an hour uninterrupted from my lovely children and all bussy mums need that. can not wait for next week I am hopping I can go twice a week.

Just had to spread the 

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